We spent a lot of time making the interface and engine as flexible and customizable as possible, without forsaking instant playability. The slap releases were sampled chromatically on each string, so they are specific release transitions from a sustained note. We also sampled muted notes (8x round-robin), pre-roll samples (32x round-robin), muted slap samples (8x round-robin, 8 velocities), as well as slap releases (4x round-robin). These legato samples were sampled at up to eight different transition times. The legato samples consist of hammer-ons and pull-off articulations sampled chromatically up to a minor 3rd upward and a minor 3rd downward as well as chromatic half-step slides. It has time-dependent release samples (15 different release times sampled) as well as time-dependent legato samples. It has 32x round-robin and three morphing velocity layers for a smooth dynamic range. These two facets work in unison to give you ultra-realistic bass sounds with minimal effort.Įvolution Rick has chromatic samples for each string, meaning that each fret was individually sampled.

At its core, Evolution Rick consists of extensive samples complemented by a powerful script. Orange Tree Samples is proud to present Evolution Rick, a deeply-sampled electric bass guitar sample library.