Base pbp psx2psp 1.4.2
Base pbp psx2psp 1.4.2

So if you got "test cd1.img" and "test cd2.img", they will get converted into the same PBP file. * Added support for extracting isos from multi disc PBP files. * All PBP files, even multi disc, support CDDA. * ZLib should now be compiled into the popstation.dll file. * Added some new colors to the default theme. It contains Theme_white.psd and cIcon0.psd. (When using the theme editor, save often and take backup of layout.ini) It contains a simple theme editor and src for the theme editor. Src might be released some time in the future. * Added a new Customized image for icon0. * Fixed "The application failed to initialze properly (0xc0150002)" bug. * Fixed bug that made prog check for snd file instead of a at3 file. (Only available after PSX2PSP.exe have been started at least once) To start batch mode run "Batch mode.lnk". The program will check in every subfolder for theese files. PSX2PSP.exe /theme Opens program in theme mode. PSX2PSP.exe /clasic Opens program in clasic mode. PSX2PSP.exe /batch Opens program in batch mode. Icon pack and design of icons courtesy of matriculated: (Original torrent by l337h4l) PSX2PSP.exe "c:\file.iso" Opens c:\file.iso.

base pbp psx2psp 1.4.2

If you download and extract files to ".\pics\pic1\" most games from USA will show the game cover as shown below. The icon pack contains 1400 icons and is about 150MB. * Source code have been rewritten from scratch. * Using popstrip and popstation in one DLL file so converting files is much faster. Check Default Icon0 profile for a example. (Can even PAL fix already converted PBP files) * Can use any type of pictures (.jpg.bmp.) for icon0, pic0, pic1 and boot. If you are using 3.03 OE-B or below, you will also need keys.bin in the files folder.

base pbp psx2psp 1.4.2

Theme mode: (Icon0 in below image was automatically generated by the program.

Base pbp psx2psp 1.4.2